“May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but the opportunity to do what is right.”
— Peter Marshall
Who We Are
We are a group of all volunteers dedicated to the sanctity of all human from conception to natural death, through prayer and education. We follow the format of Helpers of God’s Children established in Brooklyn, New York by Msgr. Phillip Reilly.
What We Do
Vigils are held each Saturday beginning at 8AM, and ending before 10AM. They begin with the celebration of Mass, at Holy Name Church in Cincinnati Ohio at 2422 Auburn Avenue Cincinnati Ohio 45219, followed by Eucharistic Adoration and a rosary procession to Planned Parenthood praying the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious mysteries. We continue praying the rosary while returning to church for Benediction.
Additionally, we have a trained sidewalk counselor with us at Planned Parenthood. We support the parish church where we hold our vigils and various local and national pro-life organizations through donations.
Other Resources
Links to other organizations who share in our fight against killing God’s precious infants.